Bellamy Legacy
welcome to my beloved save file!! i generally only play with this family because I love them so much. the founder was the first sim i ever made and i learned how to play through them.
i started on the default save but i broke it by gen 4 lmao. i moved everything i could to a new custom save file (for continuity). this save file is really cute and fleshed out! theres really cool premade clubs/groups that i've had fun exploring and every sim is carefully curated!
i also have an unhealthy amount of mods
side note: this part of my site will probably be a WIP for a long time. i have had this page in the works since march, but i am still struggling to find the best way to show everything I want to. i wanted this page to showcase all my sim's memories but, for now, you can see my photo gallery and family tree!