sims stuff!

essential sims 3 fixes

i love the sims 3, but out of the box it is unfortunately an unoptimized, ancient mess.

many don't realize that there are some fixes that you have to do in order for it to work as best as possible. not only does it increase performance but it prevents your saves from being corrupted or breaking. the following info is required if you want to play this game, but its definetly worth it. if you know anything about computers (if ur on this website i bet u do) it will be a piece of cake. :D

written tutorial

this trusted guide on the steam webpage is the main resource for sims 3 essential fixes. if u want to play as soon as possible, the smoothness patch and regul save cleaner can be put off for later.

video walkthrough

the video guide that i used is acottonsock's sims 3 fixes guide. ik it seems long but thats because she goes into complete detail. it shouldnt take hours to set up the game i dont think lol

sidenote - i often get overwhelemed when downloading mods like NRAAS because they have so many settings. Its good to have an exact guide of how they work. NRAAS mods work fine without you needing to tinker with them all the time to get it just right. basically, its ok to leave it alone is what im saying