my favorite band
behold, my stepparents!! (wooo)
(CW: sexual and mature themes)
Dazey and the Scouts was a riot grrrl band from Boston that was active from 2016 to 2019. They (sadly) only released one 7-song album in 2017. The members included lead singer Lea Jaffe, guitarist Brennan Wedl, bassist Otto Klammer, and drummer Austin Corona (1)
Every single track on their album is a banger, but my favorite is Groan. The gritty, deep chords and the low vocals that grow into growls and belts and screams make me want to float. The lyrics are very raw and real and heavily nuanced.
If i were to talk about every song I'd be here forever, so id rather you just go listen to their album! Its only 25 min and its an amazing journey. If you just listen to one, then I recommend Wet. but u should listen to all of them.
all of these are from the internet btw
While i'd be bad at analyzing their songs I can tell you about my connection as a fan
I was too young and far away to ever see them live or meet them, but the personality they exude is so inspiring to me. they are relatable and rebellious in all the ways I want to be. If I ever have a band of my own, I want to be just like them.
I think for me, their music represents my own coming of age as a teen. I don't know who I'd be without their music; they were one of the first punk bands i ever found, one of the first that i loved. And now that alternative rock has become central to my identity as a human, I feel indebted to this band and their one album for shaping me into me.
did i tell u they are queer

sum flyers